Part 1: passage 1:10个选择题,每题一分。一个简答题5分。阅读不长。
共40分 passage 2: 10个选择题,每题一分, 一个简答题 5分,简答题是:本文是什么题材?narration, discription,expositon? why?
passage 3:5个选择题 每题一分,一个简答题 5分,阅读不长。
35分 section2:选词填空,变换词形等,20个选15个。
part3: 改错:18个错误,35分。每句话都很短,内容是关于瑜伽的。不难
part4 文化:第一部分 选择题:10个,每题一分。第一题是:美国的民主党的代表物是啥? 不是驴就是象。
stowe(全名不记得了) 写的什么小说?
KOREA WAR 时期 美国总统是谁?
水门事件的 总统是谁?
美国五角大楼 代表美国的:国防?议会?最高法院?
美国冷战的标志: Truman Doctrine
第二部分:填空 10分。7题10个空。 1:THE ___period is the golden period of the realistic noveal,represented by Jane Austin. 夏洛特三姐妹中一个名字填空
2. 什么English airways 。。。。又称 大轮子啥的,2000年首次运行。。
3.英国有:保守党、liberal democrats,__三大党
6.达尔文进化论,啥理论的。。 7. Britain’s Public School (Eton and Winchester)
第三部分:简答题5个 20分。回答越详细 is preferred.
1.美国老师和英国同事争论一个论题,美国 老师想转移话题,说了一句:let's table this issue for a while.(原话不记得了) 结果出乎其意料,其英国同事继续讨论这个问题。问: is the english colleague really inconsiderate?
3.你周六闲逛到美国朋友家附近,就stop by.结果,朋友一脸诧异滴问:what are you doing here? 也没有邀请进屋的意思,你就纳闷了:不是经常说:在附近的话到我家stop by 一下吗?
4.你刚刚得知妈妈生病了,you go to work and your american friend asky you: how are you? what would you say?
5.what is "Scottish Play"? what is "Boxing Day"?
Working Together
The 2009 theme for International Translation Day invites translators around the world to take a fresh look at why and how it pays to join forces.
The days of the fiercely solitary translator working in splendid isolation are numbered, say
many industry observers. Not that massive collectivization is in sight: in this language ---or, more accurately, this profession,a large share of added value remains intensely personal.
But technology and changing markets have broken down barriers. Today translators from around the globe can plug into a truly worldwide conversation that casts new light on traditional ways of working--and creates new opportunities. Even as the arrival of more demanding clients, more complex projects and tighter deadlines underscores the advantages of exchanging ideas, information and best practices.
(It takes much time and right mood to be solitary .Confrounted with the increasingly rapid pace of life,modern life seem to have less and less privacy.However,to be private is the indispensable prerequsite to recognize oneself deeply and bring out his personality.solitude is like wine;In the long time shorage and being solitude it doesnot lose its firey character,instead it acquires some kind of aroma,subtle or pervasive.
It is vigorous seed in the depth of ones'soul,although neglected by the earthly noise and terburance.It still breeds glory of life,arduous but determate,painful but happy.网上找到的翻译)
3.写作:70分。make a comment on the following .
there is a viewpoint that words should be used with care and accuracy.
however,there is an alternative viewpoint that we cannot give an assigned meanning of the words owning to the concepts with vague boundaries and fuzzy ...大致意思是的。。没说写多少字。
1. 15分。15题。根据日语的汉字选假名。 好像都是初级的。电车呀,上课 呀,9点,
2, 15分,15题。根据假名选汉字,头,痛,等,好像都是初级的,很基本的词汇貌似。
3. 4.5.就是语法题,选词题啥的,每题一分。其中那些动词的各种形式se ,la le,等考了好几题,一题敬语题。
6.句意情景题,5个 10分。
2. 我想明年和妹妹一起去东京旅游。
8.阅读理解2篇 5个选择题,共10分。